Research topics
My research focuses on the restitution of the social mechanisms underlying the formation, the adaptation and the expansion of the early Neolithic cultural entities in Europe. My work relies on the characterization of the ceramic production systems as identity markers: by reconstructing ceramic manufacturing sequences, I approach the early Neolithic pottery productions in terms of technical traditions, transmission of know-how, and thus in terms of social ties. Associated with an interdisciplinary approach (whole technical system, economic and environmental data) and a systematization of the analytical protocols, this approach contributes to:
• revealing learning networks, which mirror communities of practice;
• identifying interactions between communities of practice;
• analysing the socio-economic structures and their transformation;
• understanding the spatial and temporal trajectories of human groups.
Professional path
• Since October 2017: Researcher at the CNRS
• 2017: Young Researcher Prize awarded by the Treilles Foundation
• 2015-2017: Post-doctoral fellow as part of the ANR project CIMO « Western Mediterranean Impressed Wares. An interdisciplinary research on Early Neolithic Pottery, 6th millennia BCE: Sourcing, Production, Uses and Transfers », ANR n°14CE310009, direction D. Binder, CNRS CEPAM, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France.
• 2014: Associate member, CNRS Trajectoires
• 2013: Post-doctoral fellow, Fyssen Foundation, « The emergence of the first Neolithic of temperate Europe. Contribution of the anthropological approach to early and middle Neolithic ceramic assemblages in Hungary » (Institute of Archaeological Sciences, ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary).
• 2007-2013: Franco-Bulgarian mission of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Neolithic site of Kovačevo (Bulgaria), direction M. Lichardus, J.-P. Demoule, V. Nikolov.
• 2007-2012: PhD in Prehistory, Anthropology and Ethnology. « Technical traditions and ceramic production. Technological study of eight Linearbandkeramik ceramic assemblages in north-eastern France and Belgium » (direction J.-P. Demoule, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS Trajectoires).
Research programs
2019-2021 : Co-direction with S. Denis of the project iNSTaNT « La fin du Néolithique ancien en Europe centre-occidentale : de l’approche intégrée du système technique aux dynamiques socio- culturelles d’une transition historique majeure (du 6ème au 5ème millénaire av. n. ère) » (MSH Mondes)
2019-2022 : Member of the ANR HOMES project « Modelling Households: economy & sociology of Europe’s first farmer populations », direction C. Hamon, CNRS Trajectoires, Nanterre).
2020-2022 : Member of the project « Transforming traditions of material culture. Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in SE-Transdanubia and beyond », direction T. Marton, National Research, Development and Innovation Office in Hungary, Academy of Sciences of Hungary).
2018-2020 : Member of the project ToMaT « Tomographie Multi-scalaire : Imagerie et Modélisation des Matériaux, Traditions Techniques et Transferts », direction D. Binder, projet IDEX JEDI Université Côte d’Azur, en collaboration avec l’UMR CNRS 7264 CEPAM, et l’INRIA Sophia Antipolis.
2015-2018 : Member of the ANR CIMO project « Céramiques imprimés de Méditerranée occidentale. Recherche interdisciplinaire sur la Poterie du Néolithique ancien, 6ème millénaires av. N.-E. : matières premières, productions, usages et transferts », direction D. Binder, CNRS CEPAM, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France.
P. Květina, L. Gomart, R. Thér, K. Neumannova (eds) (2017) – Beyond the Technological Chain. Neolithic Potters in Social Networks, Prague, Archeologické rozhledy, 69, 2, 306 p.
L. Gomart (2014) – Traditions techniques et production céramique au Néolithique ancien. Étude de huit sites rubanés du nord-est de la France et de Belgique, Leiden, Sidestone Press, 338 p.
Gomart, A. Anders, A. Kreiter, T. Marton, K. Oross, P. Raczky (2020) -Innovation or inheritance? Assessing the social mechanisms underlying ceramic technological change in early Neolithic pottery assemblages in Central Europein M. Spataro & M. Furholt (Eds). Detecting and explaining technological innovation in Prehistory. Sidestone Press, Leiden. p. 49-71.
Marton, A. Kreiter, A. Füzesi, L. Gomart, G. Gortva, L. Gucsi, K. Oross, Á. Pető, G. Serlegi, Z. M Virág, J. Jakucs (2020) – Transforming Traditions of Material Culture : Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in south-eastern Transdanubia and beyond. Hungarian Archaeology 9 (1). pp. 1-11.
Marton, A. Kreiter, A. Füzesi, L. Gomart, G. Gortva, L. Gucsi, K. Oross, Á. Pető, G. Serlegi, Z. M Virág, J. Jakucs (2020) -Változó tradíciók. A kerámiastílus, -előállítás és -használat tér- és időbeli mintázatai a Kr. e. 6. évezred második felében a Délkelet-Dunántúlon és a környező régiókban, Magyar Régészet 9 (1). pp. 1-11.
Gabriele, F. Convertini, C. Verati, B. Gratuze, S. Jacomet, G. Boschian, G. Durrenmath, J. Guilaine, J.-M. Lardeaux, L. Gomart, C. Manen, D. Binder (2019) – Long-distance mobility in the North-Western Mediterranean during the Neolithic transition using high resolution pottery sourcing.Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 28.
Manen, T. Perrin, A. Raux, D. Binder, F.-X. Le Bourdonnec, F. Briois, F. Convertini, S. Dubernet, G. Escallon, L. Gomart, J. Guilaine, C. Hamon, S. Philibert, A. Queffelec (2019) – Le sommet de l’iceberg ? Colonisation pionnière et néolithisation de la France méditerranéenne.Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 116/2, 317-361.
Binder D., Lanos P., Angeli L., Gomart L., Guilaine J., Manen C., Maggi R., Muntoni I.M., Panelli, C. Radi, G. Tozzi, C. Arobba, D. Battentier J., Brandaglia M., Bouby L., Briois F., Carré A., Delhon C., Gourichon L., Marinval P., Nisbet R., Rossi S., Rowley-Conwy P., Thiébault S., 2017 – Modelling the earliest north-western dispersal of Mediterranean Impressed Wares: new dates and Bayesian chronological model. Documenta Praehistorica 44, 54–77
Gomart, A. Weiner, M. Gabriele, G. Durrenmath, S. Sorin, L. Angeli, M. Colombo, C. Fabbri, R. Maggi, C. Panelli, G. Radi, C. Tozzi, D. Binder (2017) – Spiralled patchwork in pottery manufacture and the introduction of farming to Southern Europe.Antiquity, 91, 360, p. 1501‑1514.
Gomart, M. Ilett (2017) – From potters’ hands to settlement dynamics in the early Neolithic site of Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes (Picardy, France).In:P. Kvetina, L. Gomart, R. Thér, K. Neumannova (eds) Beyond the technological chain. Neolithic potters in social networks. Archeologicke Rozhledy, 69, 2, Prague, p. 209-226.
Gomart, C. Constantin, L. Burnez-Lanotte (2017) – Ceramic production and village communities during the Early Neolithic in France and Belgium: questions about tempers and forming processes, in L. Burnez-Lanotte (ed.)Matièresàpenser: raw materials acquisition and processing in early Neolithic pottery productions. Proceedings of the workshop of Namur (Belgium, 29–30 May 2015), Paris, Société Préhistorique Française, p. 134-156.
Kreiter, T. Marton, L. Gomart, K. Oróss, P. Pánczél (2017) – Looking into houses: Analysis of LBK ceramic technological change on a household level, in L. Burnez-Lanotte (ed.)Matièresà penser: raw materials acquisition and processing in early Neolithic pottery productions. Proceedings of the workshop of Namur (Belgium, 29–30 May 2015), Paris: Société Préhistorique Française, p. 112-132.
Gomart (2016) – What factors of emergence of the first Neolithic in temperate Europe? Contribution of the anthropological approach of ceramic assemblages from the early and middle Neolithic in Hungary.Annales de la Fondation Fyssen29, p. 143-160.
Vandooselaere, L. Burnez-Lanotte, L. Gomart, A. Livingstone-Smith (2016) – The end of diversity? Pottery technology at the LBK-Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain transition in Hesbaye, Belgium.In:L. Amkreuz, F. Haack, D. Hofmann, I. Van Wijck (eds.), Something Out of the Ordinary? Interpreting Diversity in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik and Beyond, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 159-189.
Gomart, L. Hachem, C. Hamon, F. Giligny, M. Ilett (2015) – Households integration within Neolithic villages: a new model for the Linear Pottery Culture in west-central Europe.Journal of Anthropological Archaeology40, p. 230-249.
Colas, L. Gomart, F. Giligny (2015) – Les techniques de fabrication des poteries néolithiques de l’Aisne du Rubané au Néolithique final : choix et traditions.Revue Archéologique de Picardie– Numéro spécial en hommages à M. Le Bolloch, 2015 – n°3-4, p. 121-134.
van Dooselaere, L. Burnez-Lanotte, L. Gomart, A. Livingstone-Smith (2013) – Analyse technologique de céramiques du Néolithique Ancien de Vaux-et-Borset (Belgique, Hesbaye) : résultats préliminaires.Notae Praehistoricae 33,p. 15-26.
Allard, C. Hamon, S. Bonnardin, N. Cayol, M. Chartier, A. Coudart, J. Dubouloz, L. Gomart, L. Hachem, M. Ilett, K. Meunier, C. Monchablon, C. Thevenet (2013) – Linear Pottery domestic space: taphonomy, distribution of finds and economy in the Aisne valley settlements.In:C. Hamon, P. Allard and M. Ilett (Eds.), The Domestic Space in LBK Settlements, Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH Rahden/Westf, p. 9-28.
Gomart, L. Burnez-Lanotte (2012) – Techniques de façonnage, production céramique et identité de potiers : une approche technologique de la céramique de style non rubané du site du Staberg à Rosmeer (Limbourg, Belgique).Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française,109, 2, p. 231-250.
Gomart (2011) – Pottery traditions and manufacturing organization in the early Neolithic: a method for the technological study of Linearbandkeramik vases in habitat contexts in the Aisne Valley (France).Sprawozdania archeologiczne63, p. 185-197.
Grebska-Kulova, I. Kulov, L. Salanova, J. Vieugué, L. Gomart (2011) – The early Neolithic site of Ilindenci, in Maçobetz, Strumiani (en bulgare).Arheologia(Sofia), p. 8-27.
Salanova, J. Vieugué, L. Gomart (2011) – Method for the study of large ceramic assemblages : the neolithic series of Kovačevo (Bulgaria) (en bulgare, avec résumé en anglais), Arheologia(Sofia), p. 7-23.
Gomart (2011) – Les techniques de fabrication de la céramique.In: Hauzeur A. et Jadin I. (dir.), 5000 ans avant J.-C., La grande migration ?, Musée de la Préhistoire en Wallonie, Flemalle, p. 131-135.
Gomart (2010) – Variabilité technique des vases du Rubané récent du Bassin parisien (RRBP) et du Villeneuve-Saint-Germain (VSG): un cas d’étude dans la vallée de l’Aisne.Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, tome 107, n°3, p. 537-548.
Vieugué, L. Gomart, L. Salanova (2010) – Les estèques en céramique des potiers néolithiques de l’habitat de Kovačevo (6200-5500 av. J. -C., Bulgarie).Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française,107, 4, p. 709-723.